A little bit

About Me

Hi! I'm Dylan 👋. I am a Software Engineer who likes making things with code 🤖. I can work full-stack but I have more experience and interest in backend development and system design. I am a detail-oriented worker, and I enjoy thinking through different technical design decisions and their tradeoffs.

I am currently located in Houston, Texas.

This site is my home on the Internet. Check it out to learn more about me!

Feel free to reach out and say hello 🙂 ~ dylanm@hey.com

An overview of

What I do

Backend Development

I have experience building scalable and maintainable APIs and backend systems.


Hands on experience deploying code and maintaining infrastructure.

System Design

I am comfortable diving into backend systems and learning how they work. I enjoy designing system changes while always considering different tradeoffs.

Technical Writing

I am good at communicating technical ideas in concise, easy to understand writing.

Some of my
